Klangmanufaktur (Sound Manufacturers) is a group of former Steinway piano builders who conceived the admirable goal of restoring old Steinways to their former glory. Participants will be able to tour the workspace and gain valuable insights on the inner voice of a truly great instrument, and just how that voice is brought, ay, coaxed into full-throated song.
The Institute will take place in Studio E, the small concert space normally inhabited by two fully restored Steinway Concert D grand pianos. Practice facilities, also with fine, fully restored Steinway grands, will be available for rental at very reasonable rates. Please book practice times in advance.
We have yet to confirm dates for this institute; if you are interested in attending at this particular venue, please do let us know.
Are you hesitant to attend? Feel you are not advanced enough? Not well-enough prepared? Don't worry; Alan welcomes all, no matter what your ability, no matter what the state of your program. The Institute really is open to all interested pianists:
There is no limit to improvement!
Alan's Feldenkrais-informed approach to performance also helps instrumentalists and vocalists, transforming their sound by making minute postural adjustments that release hidden physical blocks. If you have a friend or colleague with a specific performing issue, why not invite them to come along.
The institute is a mixture of piano lessons, Feldenkrais lessons and lectures on piano technique from the viewpoint of Piano Somatics. On Friday morning we come together over coffee to meet each other and discuss our goals for the week. Coffee and donuts at 8:30 Friday morning, opening session at 9.
Although the institute runs for 3 full days, partial attendance is completely acceptable. You are also not obliged to take the maximum number of lessons. See the registration procedure for instructions on how to tailor-make your participation to your own needs.
The seminar-ATPM format is new. Alan will begin by lecturing on a topic, then field some questions about the material, and then create an Awareness Through Piano Movement™ lesson that grows out of that lecture's focus.
You are free to attend the entire day or take a break from watching the lessons to rest or do a little bit of practicing. Each entire session is recorded and offered to you free of charge for future reference.
The question period in each seminar is a chance to take the discussion in a whole new direction. For instance, the conversation could veer towards one of the topics below covered in a past institute. Which of these topics is of special concern to you? Make note of it, and make sure you bring it up with Alan in a seminar.
The Institute will take place at Wendenstraße 255 20537 Hamburg
Take the elevator to the third floor, and follow the series of old pianos in ruined halls to Klangmanufaktur. Studio E is down the hallway on the right.
Practice rooms can be rented by the hour for a very reasonable price at Klangmanufaktur Rehearsal Studios.
There are many hotels in Hamburg, all easily available at Booking.com. Airbnb is another viable option.
There is a small Turkish restaurant quite close, and many others a short bus ride away.
Click on your preferred option below to pay by credit card at our retail partner, Stripe.com.
We offer discounts for senior citizens, students up to 25 years of age, and those in reduced financial circumstances. For more information, please contact Ivona Despotovich and let her know your status. If you qualify for a discount, you will receive a partial refund on your initial payment.
After registering, please return here to fill out the REGISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE.
After you have completed your institute, please come back to fill out this FOLLOWUP QUESTIONNAIRE. This helps us evaluate your experience, tailor your ongoing regime to facilitate further progress, and fine-tune the structure of future institutes to better meet participants' needs. The Elbphilharmonie (also seen in the background of the footer photo below)
Canadian pianist Alan Fraser gives master classes and recitals worldwide and conducts ongoing research and refinement on the ideas put forth in his books
Martin is a pianist and Feldenkrais practitioner who works mainly as an IT project manager. Alongside classical music, he enjoys performing jazz and other forms of more popular music. He began studying with Alan in 2017. Email Martin here with your questions.
Dedicated to restoring fine Steinway pianos, the team at Klangmanufaktur is highly skilled and passionate about their work. They are happy to take the participants through the various workshops for a "hand's on" experience of just what goes in to making the voice of a piano sound its very best. .
If Covid-19 restrictions are still in effect, we will ask that all participants be vaccinated against Covid-19, or that you have proof of a negative Covid-19 test done less than 72 hours before your arrival at the Institute. We can discuss your vaccination status when you register.
Alan has been vaccinated three times, with the Astra-Zeneca vaccine in March and June 2021 and a Pfizer booster in November 2021. He has also contracted Covid-19 three times: in November 2020 before the vaccines were available, then twice with the Omicron variant in January and July 2022. Thankfully he had only mild symptoms and quickly recovered.
If national Covid-19 restrictions are still in force during the institute, the following measures will be followed for the protection and comfort of all participants:
Cancellation Policy
If you must cancel your registration, reimbursement will be as follows: Cancellations more than two months before Institute opening date: 100% reimbursement. Cancellations more than one month before Institute opening date: 75% reimbursement. Cancellations more than two weeks before Institute opening date: 50% reimbursement. Cancellations more than one week before Institute opening date: 25% reimbursement. Cancellations less than one week before Institute opening date: no reimbursement except in cases of doctor-certified illness or acts of God. We reserve the right to cancel the institute due to insufficient enrolment; in this event, all registration fees are fully refundable.
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