Announcing a new online course designs to maximize the students' acquisition of the essential Piano Somatics skill set. Designed for both professionals and amateurs, the course consists of 12 lessons given bi-weekly over 6 months. Guaranteed to transform one's technique and to resolve persistent problems that have plagued generations of conservatory pianists, the course is taught by Alan Fraser, creator of Piano Somatics and one of the world's preeminent piano teachers. Recordings of all lessons will be made available to the participant for private review.
Participants are not required to complete the entire course. If you would like an online lesson on any of these specific topics, feel free to register for that one alone.
The curriculum covers the essential elements of Piano Somatics, from a detailed analysis of hand structure and function, to the role of the arm and the body in whole-self piano playing.
The Hallmark of the Piano Somatics approach is the organic link between physical gesture and musical inflection. Everything you do, sounds. We strongly encourage participants to complete the second part of this course, where the application of the Piano Somatics practices to repertoire situations brings these practices to their full fruition. It is here, when you hear the sound change, when the music transforms and its expressive power increases many times over, that you realize what incredible value lies in acquiring the Piano Somatics skill set.
The curriculum of these 12 lessons will be adjusted to each participant's specific needs. Repertoire will be decided upon after discussion with the course instructor. Lessons scheduling will also take place by discussion.
If you have any questions about this course, please feel free to send us an email. You can also email Alan Fraser directly at Alan Fraser Email.
To register for the special Piano Somatics online intensive, reserve the number of lessons you will be taking in the first row below. For the special rate, click on the second or third row below.
After registering, please return here to fill out the PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM, indicating which institute you will be attending, what days, and what type of accommodation.
After you have completed your institute, please come back to fill out this FOLLOWUP QUESTIONNAIRE. This helps us evaluate your experience, tailor your ongoing regime to facilitate further progress, and fine-tune the structure of future institutes to better meet participants' needs.
Canadian pianist Alan Fraser gives master classes and recitals worldwide and conducts ongoing research and refinement on the ideas put forth in his books:
Alan lecturing, 2016
Cancellation Policy
If you must cancel your registration, reimbursement will be as follows: Cancellations more than two months before the residency commencement date: 100% reimbursement. Cancellations more than one month before the residency commencement opening date: 75% reimbursement. Cancellations more than two weeks before the residency commencement opening date: 50% reimbursement. Cancellations more than one week before the residency commencement opening date: 25% reimbursement. Cancellations less than one week before the residency commencement opening date: no reimbursement except in cases of doctor-certified illness or acts of God. We reserve the right to cancel the residency; in this event, all registration fees are fully refundable.
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