Announcing a once-in-a-lifetime Piano Somatics Institute opportunity! The institute moves to Spain for the first time in 2026 for a very special reason: the total eclipse of the sun that will take place the evening of August 12th. On that Wednesday, the Institute will end early so that all participants can move to a site with maximum eclipse visibility.
Some may wonder what all the fuss is about, but if you have never witnessed totality, you should know that it is infinitely better than a partial eclipse. The sudden insight into the cosmos it offers is a spectacular, and dare we say, even an intensely emotional event. Don't miss it!
The Piano Somatics Institute itself will last four complete teaching days, with an opening session Tuesday evening and a closing session Sunday morning.
Acquiring the Piano Somatics skill set allows pianists to play with more agility, more power, more sensitivity, and more expressivity - with a deeper, more rewarding artistry. The surroundings of the Modulando Music School in downtown Valladolid are especially conducive to high-quality learning: a recital room with an excellent grand piano and plenty of floor space for the Feldenkrais lessons, plus enough practice facilities to house even a very large group comfortably.
Escuela de Musica Modulando students and staff are welcome to audit the institute at no charge, and receive a 35% discount for active participation.
Alan teaches in English or French, with Spanish translation available.
Many relatively inexperienced pianists hesitate to attend an institute, feeling they are not good enough or not well-enough prepared. However, we are here to learn. Alan's approach can help all of us, no matter what our ability, no matter what the state of our program. The Institute really is open to all interested pianists:
There is no limit to improvement - and everyone benefits from watching the other lessons. Advanced pianists learn something from lessons with the less gifted pianists - for instance, how to work with their own students - and the amateur pianists get a special pleasure out of watching Alan tell the professionals the same things they've been hearing: "Grow that hand arch more! More lateral arm movements to shape the phrase!" It's always about unlocking the hidden blocks to movement within, no matter what your level of ability.
Alan's Feldenkrais-informed approach to performance also helps instrumentalists and vocalists transform their sound by making minute postural adjustments that release hidden physical blocks. If you have a friend or colleague with a specific performance issue, invite them to come along - they'll be glad they did.
The schedule may be modified according to the makeup and needs of the group.
Participants will be invited to select from this list of lecture topics for the daily seminar-ATPM:
Click here for travelling directions to:
Escuela de Musica Modulando C/Guardería 5-7, 47007 Valladolid Espana
There are several accommodation options in the Valladolid area.
• To book a hotel we recommend • also offers several listings. Book early to get the best choice and the best price.
We look forward to exploring Spanish Tapas, paella and other delicacies at the many restaurants not far from the music school.
Click on your preferred option below to pay by credit card at our retail partner,
Contact us for other registration options
If you have a particular registration request, for instance to book extra pre- or post-institute private lessons, or to receive a partial scholarship, please contact Ivona Despotovich. She will answer all your questions and do her best to meet your specific needs.
We'd like to get to know you better. After registration, please come back to fill out this PARTICIPANT INFORMATION FORM.
After you've completed your institute, we'd like to keep in touch. Please return here to fill out the INSTITUTE FOLLOWUP QUESTIONNAIRE. This helps you and us to evaluate your experience, plan your ongoing regime for further pianistic advances, and fine-tune the institute structure to better meet your needs.
Canadian pianist Alan Fraser gives master classes and recitals worldwide and conducts ongoing research and refinement on the ideas put forth in his books:
ROSA GONZALEZ GIL (Music School Director)
Rosa Gonzalez became passionate about music education when she met Jacques Chapuis, a disciple of Willems. From then on she has remained convinced that music can be learned in a different way than the traditional one. As Alan Fraser's teacher Phil Cohen said, "There is always another way."
Rosa's clear philosophy: the ultimate goal of music must be to create more sensitive, intelligent, and happy people. Music is a language, which must be learned in the same way as one learns one's mother tongue. This approach helps create the special nurturing atmosphere of Escuela de Musica Modulando.
Contact Rosa González Gíl.
If you must cancel your registration, reimbursement will be as follows: Cancellations more than two months before Institute opening date: 100% reimbursement. Cancellations more than one month before Institute opening date: 75% reimbursement. Cancellations more than two weeks before Institute opening date: 50% reimbursement. Cancellations more than one week before Institute opening date: 25% reimbursement. Cancellations less than one week before Institute opening date: no reimbursement except in cases of doctor-certified illness or acts of God. We reserve the right to cancel the institute due to insufficient enrolment; in this event, all registration fees are fully refundable.